The gaming industry is plagued with issues that hinder the full enjoyment of the gaming experience by players. Some of the common problems include:
High costs - Most video games in the market charge players before they start playing, leading to a high cost for accessing the game.
In-game shops and purchases - Games have in-game shops that charge high commissions (up to 30%) for purchases made by players.
Intrusive offers - Games are designed to keep players playing for extended periods, and this is often achieved through intrusive offers to buy game improvements, battle passes, etc.
Unsatisfying rewards - Many games offer players only game points as a reward for playing the game repeatedly, which can lead to a lack of motivation to continue playing.
Limited ownership - Traditional video games do not allow players to own assets within the game, meaning that players cannot sell or trade items and equipment.
These problems have left players with a less than satisfactory gaming experience, and it is clear that a solution is needed to address these issues. The rise of blockchain technology has provided that solution, as it has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. With blockchain technology, players can now play games that have earning mechanisms, allowing for a more immersive experience, and a new business model. Securedverse is one such game that uses blockchain technology to provide its players with a first-class gaming experience while also allowing players to earn tokens through the Play-to-Earn (P2E) model.
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